Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wall magic, wall murals


Wall murals can add that much needed character and identity to a space

From contemporary to abstracts, wall murals in different forms and scales can create a good impact, be it at the facade of the building, an entrance lobby or an office. Besides creating a focal point it helps lend character and identity to the space. While stain glass murals or frosted etched glass murals are passe, the newer trends aim to create wall-art. Be it the contemporary style of geometrical patterns or graphical representation out of siporex blocks or the stucco work using coloured plaster and different textures, it does a good job in enhancing the wall.

Another form and material one could use is a theme design out of glass mosaic tiles in different colours and shapes depending on the size of the space and the defined concept behind it. Abstract art murals out of china-mosaic could almost create a backdrop landscape with an array of bright colours to enhance a plain surface at the entrance of a building or a bungalow. Adding another dimension to the wall surfaces today are the sculpted art forms of metal work using different types of alloys with wrought iron suspended either from the ceiling or fixed from the wall giving a unique depth to the surface behind. Pictures and landscapes generally are suited best for an apartment and are maintainable, while mirrors double up a long and narrow space.Computer-aided graphics and 3-D simulations projected on a wall are yet another form of wall art ideal for any office reception, waiting areas or an entrance lobby. These graphics can be changed often so as not to have the same look, in comparison to the other permanent ones created out of mosaics or metal. How you light up the mural is important too as it adds to the impact. Also keep in mind the size of the mural and the place you wish to display it before you zero in on one.

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