Friday, September 19, 2008

Safe baby delivery: Types of baby delivery


I know of a lady who had a caesarian section baby delivery, you will be astonished to know how uninvolved she was through out the process. Her body was numb and a bed-sheet hindered her view of the surgery. When she finally knew that the baby was crying, it took her sometime to realize that the sound was actually coming from her own baby.

Since that was a caesarian baby delivery, she later told me, within a few hours she could figured out that due to pain killer and other medicines she was not being alert of the proceedings and could not focused on the new born baby. Once the affect of the pain killer drugs reduced she consciously realized the distinct and unique cry of her baby.

Delivery is normally known as the part of the second stage. The process begins with complete dilatation and gets over after the baby comes out of the mother.

Normally, Pregnancy should be measured in trimesters from the very first day of the mother’s last menstrual period (LMP), totals up to 40 weeks. Broaldy babies arrive in around one week or two weeks of the predictable delivery date notwithstanding the medical intervention. It’s always advisable though the mother takes specialist assistance.

During the advanced period, pregnant and worried moms have many questions in their mind;

How will she recognize that this is labor?
How will she be able to manage the pain?
Is she prepared enough for this extraordinary event?

Teenage pregnancy

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